Monday, April 30, 2012

Follow Your Heart and Write

Follow Your Heart and Write

If you enjoy travel tales, with a love story back drop,  you will love this,
plus the fact that it was made by a talented Mom.

Samantha Sotto
For everyone else who is interested in writing I have 
attached an article I wrote  about  Samantha Sotto  author of  the novel 
"Before Ever After." Sam never studied writing, in fact she never wrote
anything except reports or power point presentations.

A devoted mom, she started writing while waiting for her son to finish his pre-school classes in Ateneo. She lives in the south, and she would be wasting 
gasoline if she goes home, only to come back after three hours. 
She wrote every day at as she waited at Starbucks Katipunan.

 Full-Time Mom Turns International Author
(reprinted from The Fortnighly April 16-31, 2012)

By Tet Defensor

Prior to her famous book author Samantha Sotto was a 
devoted Mom who faithfully drove her children to school 
every day. Since she lives in Paranaque and her son’s 
school is in Quezon City she would go to nearby Starbucks
and write to her heart’s content. The result is “Before 
Ever After” a novel released by Crown Publishing a 
division of Random House New York. 

“The book came about out of necessity. I had nothing to 
do while waiting for my son and so I thought that making 
up a story was fun way to spend my time .I thought of it as my daily three hour arm chair European vacation,” 
she relates.

Samantha Sotto, during our interview in Starbucks
Writing was the economical solution for the practical 
Mom in '30s. “I did not want to spend on gas by going 
back home. By the time I get there it’s time to pick 
him up again. So I stayed in the same spot, everyday and 
ordered the same coffee. I even brought my own food 
because I did not want to spend.” 

Breathing life into Max and Shelley the main characters 
in “Before Ever After” proved to be a welcome break from 
her daily routine. She described it as her daily 
vacation "my break from Mommy duties; it was something 
ordinary, something to amuse myself.”

Sam never pictured herself as a writer. She was the 
features editor of the college newspaper. However right 
after school she went into marketing. “I wasn’t doing 
any writing, just corny stuff like reports and 
presentations.  After my son turned one year old, I 
decided to become a fulltime mom. ‘Before Ever After’ 
is my very first - creative work.” 

The novel came to life when Sam was looking after her 
brother in the hospital She read the “Time Traveller’s 
Wife” to keep herself preoccupied. She finished the 
novel but somehow the characters were still in her head. 
“I kept on thinking about it. If I have to write the 
story, I would have a character who would not die. All 
of a sudden I had idea for Max, a character who has a 
penchant for not dying.  If he had a wife, what would life be like for her?  By the time I got home ideas on 
my head.”

She started writing in 2008, when her son was six years 
old and finished the book after a year.“I was writing 
every day. I was pressured to finish it within the school 
year, because I will not have time to do once vacation 
starts. Back then, there was no free Wi-Fi pa. 

I would do all the research at home, because I didn’t 
want to spend for internet. I would write on the same 
spot every day with my lap top.  I am so distraught if 
someone stays in my place” she said.

She credits her writing discipline to her years of 
corporate work. “Before, I was going to the office at the same time every day, whether you are not 
inspired or not you have to go to work I guess it 
carried on when I started doing the book, I just write 
even if I don’t feel like it. You can delete it the 
next day anyway.” 

By 2009 the book was finished and ready to be published. 
How it all came to be, Sam said “the universe conspired 
once again”. While going around Baguio she chanced upon
second hand book store. And right on top of a big pile 
of bargain books was “The Idiots Guide to Publishing.” 

“It wasn’t on the shelf. It was right there in the pile. 
believe the universe was telling me something” she 
said. She followed the book’s advice and went online to 
get an agent. She sent her work to a total of 30 agents.  
There were responses, which according to her was a sign 
that she was doing the right thing. Of course rewrites 
had to be done numerous times.  

“My Dad refereed me to this site that gave writing tips, 
which was really an eye opener. Things like stop 
thinking of a million words to say ‘said’ that 
so old school. And cut all adjectives. My first draft 
had 120,000 words by the time I removed all adjectives 
it was down 85,000, which is a safe number for a first 
timer because each page costs money.” 

In time an agent named Stephanie Kip Rostan expressed 
her interest in representing Sam. “Again that was another
sign from the universe. Her name is “kip’, my family lived in Holland for a while and ‘kip’ in Dutch means chicken.” Those who have read the novel would know that 
Max, the main character has a passion for chickens.

Stephanie Kip Rostan sold “Before Ever” in 2009 to 
Crown Publishers, a division of Random House, Inc.
Sam embarked on a tour to launch the book. She had book 
signing sessions in leading bookstores in the United 
States, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Philippines. 

Amid all the applause over her international success 
is her determination to keep her writing as a hobby. 
Something enjoys doing on her spare time. Sam is not 
about to be enslaved by the fame, or pressure to come up 
with a new book every year. 

“I wrote it for myself and I published it for my 
children. This is all I wanted from it. It’s my way of 
telling them that dreams do come true. I am not about 
to change my life for all these. I'll continue writing 
for as long as it is fun.”Asked if her children are 
aware of her new “job”, she said 

“I brought them to the launch so they know although 
they asked me if I can write something like ‘Hunger 
Games’.  My husband has read every chapter, As soon 
as I am done writing a chapter I would email it to him, 
even if he is right beside me. He is my number one 
supporter at the same time he doesn’t hold back on his 
comments, which I really appreciate.”Sam has just 
submitted the manuscript for her second book. 

She is currently vacationing in Europe with her family.  
In the mean time her fans await with bated breath. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Conquering 'High School Reunion' Fear 
Thank you Pam !!!

It sounds stupid but its true! There are women out there are weirdly 
suffering from high school reunion fear. I actually thought I needed 
therapy for such a disturbing 'disorder' only to find out that I am not 
alone in my vain battle.

There could be a million and one reasons for high school reunion fear. 
I was in denial for months, perfectly comfortable coming up with reasons 
why I couldn't go to all the  meetings, reunions and the grand 
homecoming of my batch.

In my mind my excuses were valid. I am busy working from Monday to 
Friday. I spend the entire Saturdayin school, while Sunday is 
my only time to breath. 

There will always be more important things to do plus my reasons were firm. I was busy, busy, busy, and yet somehow I turn green 
with envy, envy envy every time I see  their crazy photos on Facebook. 

Whenever I would learn of a dinner get together, I would initially get 
so excited about going. I would even text some of classmates to ask if  they are going. However on the day of the actual event, lo and behold I never show up.
from Vingle's bling-bling iphone

It was like a most feared plague yet deep inside I knew I needed to 
conquer it for my own piece of mind. I remember raising several points 
as why it would be best for me to skip high school reunions. 

One of the main reason was that I wouldn't know how to control my 
passion should the conversation turn to politics or controversies involving 
myself or members of my family. As my name suggests I have a tendency 
to be very "defensive."

Secondly, I felt that such get-together is only meant for the ladies of 
leisure, my fortunate batch mates who blessed with time on their hands. 
It was illogical for busy working Moms like myself to find a place in such 
pleasurable events.

Yes, it sounds stupid, which is why I decided to put an end to it. 
Last night I attended my first high school reunion in 12 years. 
The experience was most overwhelming. I wanted to stick a gun 
to my head. How can I allow myself to be controlled by such idiotic fear. 

I felt like a moron, a happy moron at least. Had I conquered such 
chickenheartedness early on, then bliss would have crawled into my 
stressful life sooner. 

I purposely made sure  that I didn't think long and hard if I should attend, 
for if I dwell on this further, chances are, I will end up now showing up, again.

 I never realized that reconnecting with high school friends can bring 
joyous rapture to my routinary life. 

There was such openness in the humorous exchange like endless 
jokes about ..............
  • Happy's hot flashes (sige na ga, ako din) plus her precision memory
  • Jenny Tip's BFF (pa share naman daw).
  • Vingle's nursing ability (yes, she is a registered nurse) 
  • Michaela's newly developed skill for circumcision (she's an orthodontist by profession
  • the hot loves and lives of ___________ guess who?

Don't forget the cutey chinito server who was nice enough to take 
our photos with six cameras. No wonder everyone was smiling
with utmost radiance.

Yes, talks are underway for equally fun get togethers like the opening of Tribu in Riverside, Marikina (right Happy and Jenny?) 
and all other events and opportunities which I now consider very 

So what if I slave through graduate school on weekends, 
for another evening like this I wouldn't mind losing sleep. 

At least now, the feeling of envy no longer haunts me when I see 
Facebook postings for MCHS '85 events.

Here's to more exciting evenings girls! I will see you soon!


Sunday, April 22, 2012

 I Love Boxing

Philippine Star Article: Bing Pimentel Set to Graduate from U.P.

(Published in March 4, 2012)

I've known about the goregous Bing Pimentel during my elementary days
in Maryknoll.  My older sisters talked endlessly about her and
her Coke commercial which became a big hit.  When we were doing
'The Maryknoller' newspaper at the Vera Reyes Press in San Juan
I remember seeing an old picture of Bing and her husband actor Mark Gil.
As she has always mentioned in her numerous interviews, the model turned
actress was able to set up a business and raise her children, even after her
marriage has ended.

With her kids all grown-up plus a thriving acting career, Bing decided to
go back to school and get a college degree.

Click the link below, to read the full article.

Philstar Article: Bing Pimentel set to graduate from UP March 4, 2012

Lynelle: The Crowning Glory of Jennifer Sevilla- Go

 We knew her as one of the talented young hosts of
"That's Entertainment". She has evolved into a fine
actress, and now owns Lynelle, a store that sells over a
hundred different hairpieces in various cuts and colors.

Click the link below to read the full article.

Phil Star Article: The Crowning Glory of Jennifer Sevilla-Go 

Urban Living with Daphne

Television host Daphne Oseña-Paez has found joy in
sharing her day-to-day adventures with her online
followers. Her blog is an interesting mix of her
thoughts as a mother, wife, TV host, furniture designer
jewellery maker and UNICEF advocate.

To read the full article, click the link below.

Philstar Article: Urban Living with Daphne (Nov. 5 2011)

 She even cited this in her blog!!!!
This is Me!

This is all about the stuff that I hold so dear. A vast source of people and events that make life truly meaningful. Like a new home, here is a place that I can finally call my own. I could be anywhere in the world, but with one click I am transported back to where my heart should be, right here, translating my thoughts into words

Passion for Words
People close to me can attest to how writing fills my heart. Next to God, its the end all and be all of my being. Some view writing as a job, a task that requires effort to fulfill. If it is indeed some form of work, then I must have been born into the entire process and i can probably say the same thing about my Dad, the original journalist in the family , hence the source of my life long passion.

Writer's Block

When I worked for PR agency I got the shock of my life when I heard a colleague ranting about suffering from writer's block. I've been working as a reporter for the longest time, and i never realized that there was such a thing as writer's block. I told my father about it and he laughed his heart out. Had I known about its existence, I would have used it as an excuse whenever I would miss a deadline. I should also be prepared to lose my job, because I know for a fact that newspaper writers did not have the luxury of a writer's block. It simply did not exist in the newsroom.

Agency Stress

Newspaper work and PR agency stress are poles apart. Both are challenging, but in varying degrees. Newspaper work trains individuals to develop the nose for news and to explore all possible story angles. Being journalist is a life long brain exercise, because every idea gives birth to twist. Pr work on the other hand comes with an addicting pressure. It is definitely not for the faint hearted. It is perfect for those aspiring to be miracle workers, because anything can happen. It also fuels the team work spirit. Unlike a journalist who is basically on his own in PR, team work is very important.

It Runs in the Family

My father literally wrote for a living. All seven children where fed, clothed and sheltered because he can excellently craft words and sentences. This is why I simply do not subscribe to the romantic idea about starving writers. I myself cannot function without nourishment, and so a starving writer is simply not possible. People starve because they refuse to work. A person who makes good use of his time, producing quality work will never go hungry.

The Only Child

                                                        Mia Besa 11 months old

If writing fills the soul, motherhood supplies the ripples in the waves. A refreshing experience that confirms the joy in one's existence. Mothers have endless superlatives about the happiness brought by parenthood. And while it has been the subject of all forms of literature one has to experience it first hand in order to fully appreciate its essence. The adorable baby is my first born, my only child. She was barely a year old when this was taken. In fact she wasn't even strong enough to sit on her own. I had to literally run to her after the first shot, or else she will fall off the platform. The image was used for her first birthday party celebration.

By the way the only child is all grown up now. An honest-to-goodness sports and dance fanatic, aspiring to become a physician. Mom of course is keeping thy fingers crossed.

                                                          Having fun in UP!!!

Back to Basics

Work has always been about writing, although lately the journalist in me seemed to be working over time. I particularly befriended doodlekit so I can post published pieces. Besides I've been using my skills to market all sorts of keywords in the past, I might as well try doing it on my own.